Oh my achin Grady!

In spite of the bizarre lineups and Rafael Fecal Matter's implosion as a baseball player, the Blue are still in this thing. Whatdoyaknow?
It now comes down to the ballclub itself versus...no, not the other teams it is playing...but itself. Yes, we are fighting Grady Little and F'urkle to somehow get ourselves into the post. Unfortunately, Little still holds all the trump cards and can push the red button, destroying the world at any time. He can write out the lineup card to destroy us, he can continue to have Fecal play short and leadoff, he can mangle and Mengele the bottom of the 7th inning every single night by having pitchers hit for themselves in the "top 'o 'the 'sementh" and then vaporize, leaving him with mental retardation in trying to figure out the lefty/righty combo. "Hell, I'll just throw up a cotton ball and see which way the wind blows...yuk yuk yuk..."poot".
How do the boys and Bums overcome such Gomer Gump self destructiveness? Has anybody asked Dave Jauss how he feels about all this?
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