Barack Blowback

Obama blew it
What the candidate should have said about race.
By Michael Meyers
March 20, 2008
Tim Rutten's column, "Obama's Lincoln moment" and The Times editorial, "Obama on race" both miss the mark.
In my considered judgment as a race and civil rights specialist, I would say that Barack Obama's "momentous" speech on race settled on merely "explaining" so-called racial differences between blacks and whites -- and in so doing amplified deep-seated racial tensions and divisions. Instead of giving us a polarizing treatise on the "black experience," Obama should have reiterated the theme that has brought so many to his campaign: That race ain't what it used to be in America.
He should have presented us a pathway out of our racial boxes and a road map for new thinking about race. He should have depicted his minister, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., as a symbol of the dysfunctional angry men who are stuck in the past and who must yield to a new generation of color-blind, hopeful Americans and to a new global economy in which we will look on our neighbors' skin color no differently than how we look on their eye color.
In fact, I'd say that considering the nation's undivided attention to this all-important speech, which gave him an unrivaled opportunity to lift us out of racial and racist thinking, Obama blew it.
I waited in vain for our hybrid presidential candidate to speak the simple truth that there is no such thing as "race," that we all belong to the same race -- the human race. I waited for him to mesmerize us with a singular and focused appeal to hold all candidates to the same standards no matter their race or their sex or their age. But instead Obama gave us a full measure of racial rhetoric about how some of us with an "untrained ear" -- meaning whites and Asians and Latinos -- don't understand and can't relate to the so-called black experience.
Well, I am black, and I can't relate to a "black experience" that shields and explains old-style black ministers who rant and rave about supposed racial differences and about how America ought to be damned. I long ago broke away from all associations and churches that preached the gospel of hate and ethnic divisiveness -- including canceling my membership in 100 Black Men of America Inc., when they refused my motion to admit women and whites. They still don't. I was not going to stay in any group that assigned status or privileges of membership based solely on race or gender.
We and our leaders -- especially our candidates for the highest office in the land -- must repudiate all forms of racial idiocy and sexism, and be judged by whether we still belong to exclusionary or hateful groups. I don't know any church that respects, much less reflects, my personal beliefs in the absolute equality of all people, so I choose not to belong to any of them. And I would never -- as have some presidential candidates -- accept the endorsement of preachers of the gospel according to the most racist and sexist of doctrines.
But someone's race or religion is not mine or anybody else's concern. I couldn't care less that Wright is a Christian or that Louis Farrakhan professes to be a Muslim. I couldn't care less whether the hateful minister who endorsed John McCain is, deep inside, a decent man or a fundamentalist. But I do care about these pastors' divisive and crazed words; I do care that their "sermons" exploit and pander to the worst fears and passions of people based on perceptions and misperceptions about race. I hate that these preachers' sermons prejudge people's motives or behavior based on their race or ethnicity. I hate the haters, and I expected Obama to make a straightforward speech about what has become the Hate Hour -- and the most segregated hour -- in America on Sunday mornings.
I expected Obama, who up to now had been steering a perfect course away from the racial boxes of the past, to challenge racial labels and so-called black experiences. We're all mixed up, and if we haven't yet been by the process of miscegenation, trans-racial adoptions and interracial marriage, we sure ought to get used to how things will be in short order.
That would have been the forward-looking message of a visionary candidate. But Obama erred by looking backward -- as far back as slavery. What does slavery have to do with the price of milk at the grocery store? He referenced continuing segregation, especially segregated public schools, but stopped short. What is he going to do about them? How does he feel about public schools for black boys or single-sex public schools and classes? What does the gospel according to Wright say about such race-based and gender-specific schemes for getting around our civil rights laws?
We can't be united as a nation if we continue to think racially and give credence to racial experiences and differences based on ethnicity, past victim status and stereotypical categories. All of these prejudices surrounding tribe-against-tribe are old-hat and dysfunctional -- especially the rants of ministers, of whatever skin color or religion, who appeal to our base prejudices and to superstitions about our supposed racial differences. The man or woman who talks plainly about our commonality as a race of human beings, about our future as one nation indivisible, rather than about our discredited and disunited past, is, I predict, likely to finish ahead of the pack and do us a great public service.
Michael Meyers is executive director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition and a former assistant national director of the NAACP. These views are his own.
I like this one, but instead of saying this guy's right and Obama's wrong... I'd have to say it's not either-or; it's a question of context (did you see or read the speech yet, Tony..?).
What you got here, in comparing both statements about race, is really just another black guy's (transcendent?) opinion compared to another; but it's like apples and oranges. It's a little like that Spike Lee movie, 'Get On the Bus'. Twenty guys; twenty perspectives on what being black means... There is commonality, mostly our shared histories and how (white) society at large effects us, but it's not like a religion. In fact, we were from different regions, tribes and religions when our ancestors were brought here...
When I was in Philly, one place in the U.S. which is probably one of the most racially intense and aware places for blacks I have ever been... The place where Obama gave his famous speech... A place where people are ‘into’ the racial part of their identity like many East Coast cities—Black, but also Jewish, Italian, Irish, etc. A place where racial enclaves were started a hundred years ago or more, and are still often basically the same neighborhoods ... When I was there I once had a conversation with a group of friends and we often made very clear distinctions between race, culture, heritage, etc.
See, you know I’m adopted... this makes me really an outsider even within my adopted black family... My birth mother was from Texas and of Scottish descent (so that’s where those red hairs in my beard came from). My father was black and who knows what else... I was brought up by black adopted parents— well, my dad also had Blackfoot Indian and my mom, Seminole (a tribe I understand also owned black slaves long after emancipation). Just what the hell does that make me..? Even though I grew up kitty corner from friends whose older brother’s were Black Panthers and in a house with an Ebony Magazine subscription, how am to relate to the ‘black’ experience..?
Well, when I try to get a cab in NYC, then I know how to relate to the black experience. When I hear that my brown-skin male cohorts are 10 times more likely to be shot and killed before the age of 26 than yours, more than twice as likely to go to prison, and the females more likely to be single moms in their teen years—you bet your sweet ass I know which box to check when the census taker comes to the door... I know which federal programs will help, and I wanna make sure the correct proportion of federal tax dollars go to those that do... So, yes, politically there is no doubt I am black!
Yes, I am a human being, but politically, in a political context in this country... I am most certainly black...
That is the context... and that is what Obama’s speech was about, ‘context’... And what this guy wanted..? Well, it wasn’t wrong exactly; it’s just a different speech.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Odama for President!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dalai Lama for President!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yo Mama for President!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Billary for President!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Did I just write that? What a Freudian!)
p.s Did I read what speech?
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