Hey, but what about those Super DUPER delegates?

Obama: From Valiant to Victicrat
By Larry Elder
Billed as an "important speech about race," presidential candidate Barack Obama condemned some of the remarks of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. But Obama refused to denounce the man himself, considering him family. Commentators gushed over this "groundbreaking," "stirring" speech about the "state of race relations in America."
Funny, some people actually thought that Obama might explain why he chose and attends a church led by a hateful, anti-Semitic, racist America-condemning pastor, a man whom Obama refers to as his "spiritual advisor."
Long before the blowup over Barack Obama's pastor, I wrote about this angry, "Afrocentric" church in my new book, "Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card — and Lose."
"Barack Obama," I wrote, "attends Chicago's popular Trinity United Church of Christ. He described its minister, Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., as his 'spiritual mentor.' On its Web site, Trinity United Church of Christ describes itself: 'We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. … It is G-d who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in G-d through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.'
"Consider the grief President George W. Bush attracted when he gave a speech at Bob Jones University, an institution that formerly banned interracial dating. Imagine a Republican attending a church that professed 'Caucasian-centric' Bible readings. According to an article in Rolling Stone, Reverend Wright said, 'Racism is how this country was founded and this country is still run! … We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional KILLERS. … We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in G-d. … We conducted radiation experiments on our own people. … We care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means! And. And. And! GAWD! Has GOT! To be SICK! OF THIS SH-T!'
"Jeremiah Wright also helped to organize the Million Man March, spearheaded by the anti-Semitic, homophobic, anti-Catholic Minister Louis Farrakhan. Wright also, accompanied by Farrakhan, visited Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya. In an interview about whether this kind of activity might hurt Obama's prospects, Wright said, 'When his enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli (to visit Qaddafi) with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.'
"At the first Sunday service following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Wright preached that the attacks were a consequence of violent U.S. policies. And four years later, Wright wrote that the 9/11 attacks were proof that 'people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just disappeared as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.'"
Wright's musings — part David Duke, part Louis Farrakhan and part Moe from the Three Stooges — include the following:
"We started the AIDS virus. … We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. …"
"G-d damn America … for killing innocent people. G-d damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. G-d damn America as long as she tries to act like she is G-d and supreme."
"We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki. And we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost."
"The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied."
"Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. Hillary would never know that. Hillary ain't never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a nonperson."
Obama gave a soaring speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, in which he said, "There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America. There is the United States of America. … We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America."
Once upon a time, Obama actually told "60 Minutes'" Steve Kroft, "I think if I don't win this race, it will be because of other factors. It's gonna be because I have not shown to the American people a vision for where the country needs to go that they can embrace."
Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted.
I can't believe what has happened to my Tony. You're such a man on the phone but (right now) such a hateful little weasel in print. And to top it off you're quite the budding Victocrat, as the Sage would say. Wow.
You made your point, you hate Obama (And I mean hate) Cool. What happened to the Dodgers? What happened to L.A. Unified? I'll talk to you anytime and love you forever but I'm done with this relentless, I'm-a-Jewish-Commando horseshit. You don't even believe most of the crap you're throwing up right now. There's many specific issues with which to justify not voting for Senator Obama but your feverish assault on reason simply can't feel real good, I don't think. See ya.
I can't believe what has happened to my Tony. You're such a man on the phone but (right now) such a hateful little weasel in print. And to top it off you're quite the budding Victocrat, as the Sage would say. Wow.
You made your point, you hate Obama (And I mean hate) Cool. What happened to the Dodgers? What happened to L.A. Unified? I'll talk to you anytime and love you forever but I'm done with this relentless, I'm-a-Jewish-Commando horseshit. You don't even believe most of the crap you're throwing up right now. There's many specific issues with which to justify not voting for Senator Obama but your feverish assault on reason simply can't feel real good, I don't think. See ya.
I apologize for posting the same thing twice. It was an accident.
Hey dude,
First off, none of what has been posted has been from my lips at all, so any suggestion that I have fomented hate speak is ludicrous. Secondly, it speaks volumes to me that you would attack me personally, again using your transparent use of "jew" consistently when we speak. None of this surprises me, its what I have known all along about you, but love you in spite of it. You can't help it, my friend. This cuts you to the quick.
There is a solution however to my offending you, which is of course to move on down the road when you visit my blog. No offense taken.
Hiding behind PC attacks is unfortunate dude. I thought you might be able to keep it on the up and up.
Looking forward to keepin it real.
Oh, and just for your edification, I certainly believe all of what has been thrown up in here.
I don't know what happened to the Tony I knew. I have known him longer than anyone on here and I can't believe it's the same person. The Tony I knew loved all people. Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, all people. He had the best of both worlds being Jewish and being the brother to the world. It made him a whole person.
Now, he is the embodiment of Michael Savage. He has some kind of rage. I tread carefully because I respect our friendship so much. But, I know Tony well. I can't believe his heart has harden so. I know much of it has to do with his personal heartship with certain people that he use to trust. You can always trust us here Tony. We love you no matter what. Jeff, Jamie, David. . . all of us. We know your heart. It's as big as anything.
I just got back from my grandmothers funeral, so I'll keep it brief, but some day I want to share with you why I am a liberal. Tonight I am tired and am going to bed.
The world is ugly, but we still have brothers in it that care for you. Don't feel abandon. Keep up your blog, it's the only way we all can talk.
Your friend always,
I don't know what happened to the Tony I knew. I have known him longer than anyone on here and I can't believe it's the same person. The Tony I knew loved all people. Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, all people. He had the best of both worlds being Jewish and being the brother to the world. It made him a whole person.
Now, he is the embodiment of Michael Savage. He has some kind of rage. I tread carefully because I respect our friendship so much. But, I know Tony well. I can't believe his heart has harden so. I know much of it has to do with his personal heartship with certain people that he use to trust. You can always trust us here Tony. We love you no matter what. Jeff, Jamie, David. . . all of us. We know your heart. It's as big as anything.
I just got back from my grandmothers funeral, so I'll keep it brief, but some day I want to share with you why I am a liberal. Tonight I am tired and am going to bed.
The world is ugly, but we still have brothers in it that care for you. Don't feel abandon. Keep up your blog, it's the only way we all can talk.
Your friend always,
That's weird. My comments posted twice also. It must be a conspiracy.
First off, my deepest condolonces for your loss. Thank God you had your grandmother for as long as you did, and that you had all those wonderful years with her. May she rest in peace.
I am absolutely fascinated by the shock and awe of my friends to my political leanings. I wish I was in a sociology class and had the opportunity to write a thesis on these responses. I have already had to detach from Jeff due to it and now I am seeing even more vitriol and dismay. This should be an experiment in every major university in this country. The course requirement should be that someone with strong political beliefs suddenly change course and see the response of one's friends. The concomitant reactions are mind blowing as far as the residue and fallout.
What is most amazing, and completely unexpected for me, is the personal nature of the commentary that has appeared. I am fully aware of the beliefs of my friends and colleagues that visit the blog, and AT NO TIME have I turned any of this personal. What one believes is their right, PERIOD!!! END OF STORY!!!
What I have discovered about the invective and psychological scrutiny from others, not just here but elsewhere, is nothing less than a form of facism mixed with concern for my mental welfare. At no time has there been a call to inquire as to the nature of my postings, just knee jerk liberal, tired bullshit, mixed with personal attacks against my character, etc.
I find this AMAZING!!!!!! Truly what one believes and espouses becomes fodder for a change in people's opinions about one personally. One would think that I was posting about baby killers or child molesters. That is how strong the condemnations of my opinions are. MICHAEL FUCKING SAVAGE?
Again, I have simply posted articles by other BLACK MEN about questions regarding Obama and his relationship to Trinity, concerns we should all be sharing regarding Israel and increased government in the affairs of our citizens. I see that I have posted one stinking letter to David about my current change in philosophy and I am called A HATER!!! What is wrong with you people? Jesus Fucking Christ, he say's on Easter Sunday.
Wake up my friends. Pay attention to how your intractable leanings have influenced and triggered these insubstantial claims against me. How they have become personal and changed your FEELINGS about me as a person.
IT IS FUCKING SCARY my little droog brothers. FUCKING SCARY and I hear more and more of this kind of terrifying robot like marching from the LEFT by far than from the right.
IT is the progressives that are the danger to this world EXACTLY for the reasons I have listed.
Michael, Jamie, Jeff et al...I DEPLORE you to see what is happening to you and recognize where you go when someone sees things differently. You will NEVER hear me playing that card. NEVER.
So, hey, stop the bullshit and deal with the issues not me as a human being, who loves the human race enough to tell my truth.
Let me please respond to this. Being a liberal, I fell I have the freedom to come to the conclusion any crazy idea that comes to my mind. I in no way repeat what others on any liberal site has spoken. The only person I ever come close to repeating is Lou Dobbs who is a conservative.
If I hear something that I agree with, I challenge it before I even think about endorsing its mantra. My left leaning is truly inspired by the man called Christ. When I went to church as a young child, I listen to the priest read the Gospel and what I heard was a man that loved unconditionally. That's how I wanted to be. I truly wanted to be like Christ. I have not succeeded, but I use that as the benchmark to achieve. Christ to me was the true hippie. Peace, love, and Bobby Sherman.
I also love my brother Jews because I feel they are not only the chosen ones, but were suppose to be the caretakers of the Gospel of Christ. That's why God chose them.
And as far as attacking you, we all love you and see that you are not being your true self. Being a liberal just means you are open to the world. It is not a political genre of sorts. That's politician rhetoric to separate us. Hell, I thought Pope John Paul II was liberal in his own conservative way.
I'm glad you responded because I didn't expect you to react in a kind way. I just stuck my neck out because I don't understand what is happening. First my sister, now you. I don't see what being a conservative has to do with being American.
Finally, I would like to wish you a happy Passover. It's not a coincidence that Passover and Easter are linked together. It's man that keeps trying to separate us. Jews and Christians and Muslims are brothers. Fanatics are separating us. Fanatic Muslims killing in the name of Allah is not right anymore than fanatic Christians killing in the name of God or Jews in the name of Yahweh.
I don't know where all of this will lead to, but hopefully in the end, we can go back to being friends.
Go back to being friends? What the hell are you talking about? Have you completely lost your mind? I have never stopped being your friend for five seconds. It is you, my friend, who wrote that comment. I have no issue with your beliefs whatsoever Michael. It is my liberal friends who have issues with me, and so have decided that their ideologies come before friendship. What can I say? All of this speaks absolute volumes to me. The saddest part of this is that I come from a place of love completely, and utter caring for my fellow men and women. I do not understand any of this. And, to be really honest with you, it is scaring the "body snatcher" hell out of me.
Not being your friend? What could you possibly be thinking Mike?
You often refer to us as Philistines. I wouldn’t consider myself a Philistine. My political and social views are that of a Bohemian. Not so antiestablishment as I would prefer. I like the democracy that is set by the Constitution. I just don’t like the current interpretation of it. It’s that overthrow of the spirit of our nation that causes many of us to stand up and take our country back.
We won’t succeed with any of the three candidates I’m afraid. The only thing we can do now is try to stop the spread of this disease that is affecting our country. Hopefully someone with courage will stand up and stop this madness. Until then, we need to restore the government. Then hopefully take an assessment of ourselves and make the government truly for the people and not big business.
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