A blasting of synchroncities

1). As I was sitting in my car prior to turning left, the Walk/Don't Walk light was counting down from 22 to 0. As it hit 14, the radio commercial uttered the words "only 14 more days to purchase these tickets".
2). Sitting in my car this morning at work, I watched a crow swoop down in front of me and sit on a hedge. As it looked at the insanity of traffic on Highland Ave., I was struck by the mystery and tragedy of natural selection and the continued rape of the planet by man. At that exact moment, the radio commercial said "You don't want to be a predator in the jungle now do you?". The correlation was startling.
3). WHILE INVESTIGATING SYNCHRONICITY on Wikipedia, a paragraph referred to Carl Jung's favorite saying regarding synchronicity from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass" in which the white queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that works backwards". At that exact same moment, the morning announcements that were playing over the loudspeaker at work said, "come support the seniors as they prepare for their graduation at a gathering the theme of which is, you guessed it, Alice in Wonderland.
Standing by, waiting for the next series to begin. Time is accelerating backwards faster than we think.
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