Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thank you for your comments

I appreciate all your cards and letters regarding the failings of the services provided. It has come to my attention that there hasn't been enough attention paid to the respective cards and letters which I have been receiving. When opening your cards and letters which I have been receiving, it has come to my attention that there are a number of them which need my attention and that I haven't been paying attention to. For that I apologize. But there are time when it's difficult to respond to each and everyone of you respectively to the amount of literature that I have been and have not been receiving. Let me just say, once again, that I thank each and everyone of you respectively for the cards and letters that both you and I have been receiving. Your sentiments have been of great help to me and, while unable to post them all here, each and everyone of you have a special place in my heart for the amount of letter and cards that you have sent me. This equals success. My goodness! I am very appreciative and am looking for my own cards and letters to begin sending back to you personally. I hope that all of you can accept my gratitutde and apologies for the serious amount of time I have invested in reading each and everyone of your letters. Not to mention the cards. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to getting all your commments and responses right here on this very site. You should be receiving my comments very shortly and I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again and sincerely Tony.


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