Financial security-an oxymoron.
Just driving around this morning, early. Had "the big breakfast" at Le Denny's on Sunset (which one?). As I was driving back I had a recollection of yesterday. As I recollected, I had a vision. In it I was granted the key to understanding something really strange. How does information become inspiration? When you're not cogitating the answer of course. The sun hit me and I realized that no matter how much money I have (or imagine to have) it will never have anything to do with financial security. Do we honestly assume that money has anything at all to do with even our most basic needs being met? In my darkest hours I have been taken care of. This is a fact. When I have had not a pot to piss in, I have been extraordinarily OK in spite of my belief that I'm not. Alternately, when I actually amass "wealth" in the form of material things, I find that I am not OK. Oh sure, I can write up a list of the problems of the world and have a good case for it being real. But the absolute truth is that my concepts of satisfaction as related to having enough are completely out of whack. I know this to be true today. The only lack is fear. The only plenty is faith. Depending on which one I choose, I represent the extension of that energy. If from fear I see the world, there is simply never security, either with too little or too much. If from faith I see the world, then destitute or satiated I have an endless supply of life. But, it is my belief, that the facts of my life implicate fear as an imposter, therefore only faith is real. (With apologies to "Course in Miracles" and Gerald Jampolsky's "Love is letting go of fear"). Most days I simply cannot BE in this state of understanding because I go to my mind for the information. I have learned that the truth does not reside in my going to my mind for the answers to my dilemma. The eternal truth lies in going WITHIN my mind for the truth. This is a kind of grace. It requires letting go, trusting the universe's plan for me (even though I don't really see it at all), and a residence in the present moment. Faith is the transcendental currency, the substance of things unseen. Peace dwells here. Let go now. Don't comply. Surrender. You will see riches beyond your wildest imaginings. You're bank account notwithstanding.
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