You want some up in here? Bring it then!

Is this a dream? At the end of last season, the only real hope I had was to get rid of Grady Little. I thought that was impossible. But for THIS to happen is an off-the-charts Christmas gift from heaven itself. Granted, my celebration may be short lived once reality prevails. But what if this opens the doors to some extraordinary transformation of the franchise? What if McCourt actually continues to move the payroll up, even without a regional TV network (I mean, don't they get upwards of $40 Mil from Fox annually as well as the massive attendance and merchandising?).
As far as Colletti, I have to think he is on very thin ice as well. I heard on the Joe McDonald show on KLAC that he (Colletti) was virtually out of the loop on these negotiations with Torre and that is was all done by Frank and Jamie. It would not surprise me if he was kaput before spring. I mean, isn't John Shuerholtz out there, and Steve Phillips and the former Cards GM? Could you imagine if we could woo Bean to come here? The possibilities increase exponentially with this man (Torre) at our helm.
Honneycutt and Duncan are probably being retained because someone needs to be familiar with the terrain of the stadium, first of all, and secondly, maybe an entirely new staff would be too jarring to the pitching staff and team. Someone to smoothe the transition may be what they are thinking about. I personally don't care for Honneycutt, Duncan was a Crankie but maybe they are also on short leashes. Just as long as we don't have Donnelly at third, please lord.
If this team gets A-Rod, all bets are off. I have nothing to say in a derogatory fashion about a player who has won the MVP three times in five years in the superior AL. With the advent of the Wild Card, the post season is a crap shoot. Bring in A-Rod and the Dodgers get to the playoffs every year, in my mind.
Pitching is still the name of the game and we have a solid staff if Penny can figure out his second half woes. I have no problem with the remainder of the staff but, again, if we can add a frontline ace like Santana then the package is complete.
What about former Crankies Posada, Rivera, Pettite et al? I'm aware that Pettite says he will only pitch in Crankie stadium, but if Posada came here and we had a catching core, it would help the staff and Russ Martin to develop even more. Need I say anything about Rivera.
This is fun folks. I am still on the space shuttle right now.
Dodger Tony
It’s funny. I was so down in the dumps when the Dodgers did not get into the playoffs. I still wore my Dodger gear, but was certain that the glory days were behind us. Now, Bam! This happens. Saints preserve us did the Big Dodger in the sky just give us a chance?
Is it greedy to ask for A-Rod? Maybe not. Torre will attract the good players to L.A. In baseball they don’t have a salary cap. I don’t like sports without it, but now it’s our turn to take advantage of buying the best players.
Now I can’t wait for baseball season to start.
It’s funny. I was so down in the dumps when the Dodgers did not get into the playoffs. I still wore my Dodger gear, but was certain that the glory days were behind us. Now, Bam! This happens. Saints preserve us did the Big Dodger in the sky just give us a chance?
Is it greedy to ask for A-Rod? Maybe not. Torre will attract the good players to L.A. In baseball they don’t have a salary cap. I don’t like sports without it, but now it’s our turn to take advantage of buying the best players.
Now I can’t wait for baseball season to start.
It's really true, Michael. The most I had hoped for was that the Dodgers MAYBE would consider firing Grady Little. But THIS! I mean, yes, the paisan in the sky has given us back our New York, Italian catcher tradition.
As far as A-Rod, hell no, this is LA baby! We have to have a superstar here. If not then at least a terrifying hitter who strikes fear into the hearts of men (The Shadow knows). Johann Santana wouldn't hurt either.
How fun!
I can’t wait until next baseball season. Hey, I agree, we need a big hitter. We have good home grown talent, but you have to balance the two. The up and coming players will learn a lot from guys like A-Rod. Let’s get this done and complete this great ride of emotions that we are going through.
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