Dodger Disgust.

Gabcast! Stop this noise in my head #20 - Dodger Disgust
Tired of the psychological abuse created by the Dodgers, I finally let it be known how I really feel. For adults only.
Working class blog devoted to not so daily ruminations on anti-social psychosis, transcendent liberation theology, Jesus Christ, the psychological abuse and mental torture created by being a Dodger fan, fast guitar playing and demystifying the false (or perhaps true) paradigmatic beliefs I carry about my ability to pleasure myself and others, particularly women who cannot love me.
Shut up, faggot. Your team is in or tied for first place, is winning almost every single game and you want to whine out "disgust" over one loss? It's baseball. Believe it or not, you're actually going to lose a couple of games. That's the way it works. "Disgust" is relevant if your team has lost a long, agonizing string of games. The Dodgers are playing better than you ever imagined and you should be thankful. Your team s winning left and right and despite your prediction, they are not "a fourth place team" so quit being an womanly ingrate.
The Dodgers and the Lakers are similar in the way they lose. Both teams are known for taking second place to the greatest teams in their sport. The Lakers have lost just as much championships as they won.
The Dodgers are the same way. Those losses against the Yankees in the forties and fifties were frustrating for Dodger fans.
Now it seems the L.A. Dodgers have inherit the same second place mentality.
You guys are a couple of droopy little panty-waists. Manny Ramirez is hitting dingers all over the place and your stupid team is winning.
Hey, I resemble that remark. I do take a few exceptions to Tony's remark about our team being the only suffers. How would you like to be a Cincy fan? They have a proud tradition of winning with the Big Red Machine and so on. Or even the Yankees. They are use to winning and now know that it might be a long time coming for them. (Second thought, I don't feel sorry for New York fans.)
But as far L.A. and winning and losing, we have had our share of both. If you take all of the championships from the pro level, New York has us beat. You can only count nine of the Laker victories because five of them was not in L.A. The Dodgers on the other hand have had only one in Brooklyn.
But, if you count all of sports, college included, then no one can touch us. UCLA alone has one hundred. Yes, that's correct sir. . . One hundred championships. The men's basketball team is only a small part of it.
I am in an opposite mindset to Tony. I am enjoying this year. Oh, it's frustrating because they are not taking advantage of poor play of the Diamondbacks. It's like trading baskets in basketball. Eventually someone is going to miss. And that team can be ours.
The Dodgers will be good next year. I, like Tony, want to see them make the playoffs this year. Tony and I are getting to old to wait one more year.
Oh, why oh why did the Dodgers give up the lead in the ninth? Now instead of talking about how the Dodgers are in first, Dodger Tony will talk about how they almost blew it. Please God and Joe Torre, let this team win decisively. If not for you, at least for us.
flooflblab bubba blooble fuff. la la la lla.
tinkle tee tu fee fful foo.
uh ha heh huh
Hey, the Dodgers didn't lose yesterday. Huh. . . what? Oh. . . they didn't play. Well, at least we gained ground right? No? The Diamondbacks didn't play either?
I guess it was a good night for the Dodgers after all.
I don’t know what has happened to the Dodgers? It’s easy to say they suck. It’s easy to say they are no good bums and see you next year. It’s easy to say that, but that’s not the case here. They are a very talent team. They have a veteran manager that can work with youth. And speaking of youth, we have that great balance of young and old. Young players that will be our future and old veterans that know how to win. So what is going on?
I don’t have to state the obvious. This weekend is the season for the Dodgers. They have to show their mettle against the Diamondbacks or it’s wait until next year. And wait we will. This is a good team that only will get better. For some reason they are missing something.
I keep saying that it’s still not too late to make that push. But, if they happen to get a playoff spot to an Arizona team that really doesn’t want it either, I am afraid they will lay over just like they have done for the past twenty years. They have to show a winning spirit as if they will make some noise in the playoffs.
And strange that Tony’s voice has been quite. It’s the sensible balance we need. Not “Fuck the Dodgers” or “Why must I suffer with this team?” I want to hear frustration yes, but something that is sensible that will make every reader of this post, Reds fans or not, to say, “Hey, you are correct sir. The Dodgers don’t seem to have all of the cylinders clicking.” (Second thought, that doesn’t seem like Tony either).
There is a happy medium here I know it. Let’s be frustrated, but let’s not get hysterical. We are Dodger fans. We have “Wait until next year” etched onto our foreheads. But let’s get real. If McCain wins, who gives a fuck about sports. There will be nothing left of any of us. We won’t be able to afford the Digital sets that will take over next year anyway so fuck watching sports. We will lose our lodging because we can’t afford the gas to go to work which means we can’t afford to pay our rent.
No, fellows. If McSame wins, nothing else matters.
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