Holocaust's unholy hold
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This is one of the most accurate depictions of the modern crisis in Jewish identity I have ever read. My more militant Jewish friends (yes, I am a peacenik in the year of Obama) are freaking out over this article. The most frightening choice we as Jews can make, and ironically the most liberating an
Holocaust's unholy hold
The deeper we are stuck in our Auschwitz past, the more difficult it becomes to be free of it.
By Avraham Burg
November 16 2008
Reporting from Nataf, Israel — Even today, when economic storms are shaking markets around the world, posing a threat to the stability of entire countries and societies, Israel continues to conduct its business far from the turmoil, as if swimming in a private ocean of its own. True, the headlines are alerting the public here about the crisis, and the politicians are hastily recalculating their budgets. But none of this is dramatically changing the way we think about ourselves.
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This man is indeed a radical to open the discussion of what lies beyond the Holocaust...of what that experience could be transformed into...of "never again" in a new and global sense, for all people. A brave and bold soul. I can imagine the resistance he must be facing. Carolyn Myss's "woundology" theories would apply here. What greatness would lie in a people who found a universal answer to "what lies beyond"...to a self-identity that was not tied to the crippling emotions of the infliction of a wound, but of the transcendance and transformation of that wound into....? Let us all dwell in the space of that answer.
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