Stop this noise in my head!
Working class blog devoted to not so daily ruminations on anti-social psychosis, transcendent liberation theology, Jesus Christ, the psychological abuse and mental torture created by being a Dodger fan, fast guitar playing and demystifying the false (or perhaps true) paradigmatic beliefs I carry about my ability to pleasure myself and others, particularly women who cannot love me.
Hey, Kent was great for us. But he is old and had to move on. We have some nice young players which makes all of this even more special.
What I miss is watching this great young talent develop. The 51's this year suck without the Dodgers. I saw some good players including the current Dodger lineup play in Vegas. Well, our loss is New Mexico's gain.
On Dodger Live someone made a joke that if the Dodgers went undefeated at home, and only won have of their road games, they would have about 120 wins.
This of course can't last, but it's fun while it does.
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