Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY, bad loss to the hated ones 5 to 4.

I started the game at midnight on my DVR sans commercials. It was depressing until the rally. After that, I felt quite confident that some kind of 8th inning combination of Kuo, or Ohman could have BRIDGED THE GAP (important key words here) to Broxton in the ninth. What a debacle. Three lefty relievers in the pen and he opts to continue with Belly. Wow! It is now 2:00AM, I am so frustrated that I won't sleep for at least two to three more hours. I went from depressed to high to completely pissed off in two and a half hours.
I also do feel that the ridiculous scheduling of April has a lot to do with what is going on here. The absurd amount of road games has begun to take a toll on this warm weather club. I suspect it will get much better beginning in May with our massive amount of home games.
Still, its the Giants so this sucks gefilte fish. When it ends like this, with these kinds of circumstances, I opt to not thank God for my day.
I understand there are losses in the game of baseball. But its THIS kind of bullshit loss that really fucks with my day and just puts a nice big sheen of shit on my day as I go off to slumberland. Thank God there will be another game tomorrow with a potentially different result. I'll admit it thought, its this kind of shit that makes me want to throw the television off of the balcony into the swimming pool. Oh, wait, they filled that in with concrete.
I hate this game sometimes.
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