Phoenix from the computer ashes.

Working class blog devoted to not so daily ruminations on anti-social psychosis, transcendent liberation theology, Jesus Christ, the psychological abuse and mental torture created by being a Dodger fan, fast guitar playing and demystifying the false (or perhaps true) paradigmatic beliefs I carry about my ability to pleasure myself and others, particularly women who cannot love me.
It has been well over a year and change since my last entry on my blog, a blog that I had written on everyday for many many years. However, with the advent of Facebook, most of my musings became quip like bromides, if that is such a word. I think it is because spell check did not redline me, like it just did on redline. In fact, it has been so long since my last entry that the entire template for this blog has changed so that I need to do a new once over to figure out what I am doing. Although, it actually seems somewhat more simple, except for the settings I see on my right hand side that none of you see. I am sitting in my living room, watching the 30-13 Dodgers absolutely getting destroyed in Arizona to Joe Saunders and the Diamondbacks. Years from now I will be reading these words and scratching the top of my head to figure out which game this was. Listening to Vin Scully, all 85 years of him, wax poetic about Stanley Koufax (oops, did Vin really say that or did I just imagine it?)pitching a one hitter on this day in nineteen sixty something is a pleasure that surpasses the game score. With every word spoken, he hurdles towards his inexorable final Carson like goodbye. My hope for Vinny, although he probably doesn't entirely care one way or the other, at least that's how he calls a game, my hope for him is he gets to see one more World Series appearance by the Dodgers, which would have to be this year, one would think. This year's team shows promise, but it is still far too early to pencil them in for a trip to October. It has also been a rare thing, hearing Scully call games. I cancelled my cable two years ago and have only heard him call three innings for home games on the radio, and the occasional game on KCAL. When his voice is silenced for good, there will be a hole inside my gut as big as the ocean. If for no other reason that it has been an absolute lifelong constant. It will be the end of an era, one we will not see the likes of again. His most memorable quip tonight: "Whom the God's wish to destroy talk of potential". I listen with baited breath in the background of my life each night wishing that time would slow for one more year the music of Scully's Baseball opera.
Handing out entropy tea, hand sanitizer,dander stimulant and mood laminates, Bodhi Girl rollerblades through Blue Level Three. I've had my eye on her expansive holo-ass since she first spontaneously hyper-cloned her postulate, directly interhacking the Carousel, birthing her imagineered posterior. And WHAT a posterior, convex though it may be: jets of light blue filaments courting compressed petrolium, jacking up the genital retards and the acne scarred in their slightly open canvas cubicles. The sound of her arrival activated the drill tonsure, creeping nano-bots built to cover custodial dereliction of duty by the homo sapien night crew. Problem was that after a game council derivative tanked shortly before the proannial Bliss Talk, a small group of Zionist drill tonsure rebels fled the coup, as it were, and ended up compromising the Dan-Feremone Neuroleptic Santha Seizure probe. Heads rolled after that one. Bodhi Girl's Anime features belied here organismic skeletal mass. Sinuous pulse braids fed her electro convulsive therapy at depth, held up by a Gurkic truss, manufactured by the Ankara Kurdistani truss company of Bentonville, Ohio, whose CFO, Tadic Ortotoyonbyocin, recently suffered a dramatic myocardial infarction from his aborted hostile takeover of Blaupunkt. Happily, for some, he made a full recovery only to perish in the Volga during his daily ambling on ice, distracted by peculiar ideations of a Bosnian purge of Tasmania during the first Maori/Herzogovina transduction assault of World War Ken. Throwing on my Virtua-Basil Caretaker Kit, from Whammo, eyes akimbo, I was now able to communicate with Bodhi Girl, whose current speed of Mach 2 was mash protected by her titanium bodice and aerodynamic fleece blanket. "AKF3104, please respond immediately". These words seared the static from my house and brought me back to some semblance of normalcy, the feremonic fumes from Bodhi Girl's nasty tail chaser leaving me wracked with humidity and grime. "Come in three one oh four, if you are receiving this". I blinked thrice, then rejacked into my cineramic soul crushing tele-console. A blast of harmonic dread consumed me as a panoramic three dimensional ghastly apparition spewed forth in living color from my screen, hovering less than a foot from my face. "AKF3104, ARE YOU THERE?". I recognized the Servo-faux animatron, a spectral figure appropriated from some GAF Viewmaster disc I long ago remembered. I could see "her", though she could not see me. These odds and ends of one way solace were very much a bounty of working for PSI and a curse.
COLUMN ONE: Dodgers tapped into 'V energy' -