About Schmidt

The only thing I can think of is that both Coletti and Conte, and probably McCourt, knew about the shoulder problems and refused to pursue the issue further. They probably thought that if they demanded an arthroscopic procedure that Schmidt and his agent would balk at having it done. In any event, whether they knew he was damaged goods, or to what extent, will have to be determined. The fact that the general manager did not demand a more extensive examination is incompetence and should be treated that way. I am also discouraged that the Los Angeles Times of Chicago (my LA Angels of Anaheim comparison reference)did not have an editorial prepared for today's edition, which is ridiculous and just bad coverage.
The other, and more nefarious possibility, is that they knew exactly what they were getting and decided to pull the trigger anyway to appear to the season ticket holders that they were serious about winning. In other words, the whole thing was pre-planned in advance. Remember, they do get insurance money to cover a percentage of the loss. I wouldn't put anything past this organization.